Speaker Details

Karl-Heinz Keller

Business Development Senior Manager – Airport Solutions, SITA

Karl-Heinz Keller is with SITA’s Airport Solutions Development team since April 2018.

Before SITA, Karl-Heinz has worked for DLR, the German Aerospace Center, where he spent over 12 years focused on research of airport management technology and concepts.  In his role of Business Manager, Karl-Heinz worked with organisations such as ACI, Eurocontrol and SESAR-JU, and airports and their stakeholders to market and sell DLR’s research and development capabilities. He acquired various national and international R&D projects in the Air Transport domain incl. DLRs contribution in SESAR2020 i.e. in CNS, RTO and TAM.

Based on his expertise ranging from being a Human Factors consulting to R&D Program manager, Karl-Heinz combined high tech research with product and concept development and finally .

Karl-Heinz now supports industry and operational stakeholders and is moving TAM inventions into innovations in the air transport domain. His focus is in the implementation and constant development for SITAs product portfolio.

Karl-Heinz holds a Degree in Aeronautics and Space Technology.