Speaker Details

Mike Neville

CEO, Super Recognisers International and Detective Chief Inspector New Scotland Yard

Mike Neville is the CEO of Super Recognisers International Ltd. At New Scotland Yard, he was the Detective Chief Inspector in charge of solving crimes with images. He also set up the world’s first “Super Recogniser Unit” using officers with fantastic, innate, face memory skills to identify offenders, find persons of interest and link crimes. This work is now being replicated across the world. Having retired from the Met in 2017, Mike works closely with academic partners to further develop the Super Recogniser tactic for the private sector, including airport security. He is the only member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences, who is an expert on Super Recognisers. Mike is also on the Forensics Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and is a member of the UK National Association of Surveillance Camera Managers.

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