
Whitepaper: Harmonising drone management

Posted: 3 July 2019 | | No comments yet

Frequentis contends that building a harmonised framework for air traffic management (ATM) and unmanned traffic management (UTM) is the safest way forward.

Drones are proliferating throughout the world’s airspace, making them impossible to ignore. As their numbers rise, the importance of finding a way for them to safely coexist with manned aircraft is growing increasingly urgent.

Frequentis contends that building a harmonised framework for air traffic management (ATM) and unmanned traffic management (UTM) is the safest way forward. To do so, air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and drone operators must embrace new solutions and processes. This paper will outline the main challenges involved, and describe how Frequentis technology and expertise can address these issues to provide benefits for all stakeholders.

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