
Future-proofing airport worker on-boarding to cope with demand

A challenge that many airport pass offices face worldwide is the impact of large new infrastructure projects to address the projected long-term increase in passenger numbers.

Airport pass offices are a fundamental cog in the wheel of an airport’s day to day operations. The pass office team in airports of all sizes have the responsibility to securely on-board every individual that requires access to work in the airport, either on a temporary or permanent basis. 

As with passenger numbers, staff working at airports fluctuate according to seasonal demand; and as more and more airports implement major infrastructure projects to cope with the increase in passenger numbers, airport pass offices need to be prepared to cope with the rise in temporary applications. 

If the pass office isn’t working efficiently, it can have severe repercussions on the rest of the airport, affecting timings of construction projects, staff shortages and perhaps most importantly, the passenger experience.

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