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Modern baggage messaging standards

ON-DEMAND By International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Following on from the first two webinars of this series - which introduced the IATA RFID priority and highlighted some successful deployments - this session will cover the messaging aspect as baggage is moved according to messages that are sent from the airline Departure Control System (DCS) to the baggage…

Enhanced video analytics for airport operators


The growing number of travellers passing through airports consequently increases the number of tasks airport operators must complete, whilst enhancing potential threats. However, an enlarged amount of traffic cannot be at the expense of security. Video analytics can enhance the capacity of existing infrastructure and video management systems. Video analysis…

Implementing RFID in baggage operations

ON-DEMAND By International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Following on from the first webinar of this series, which introduced the IATA RFID priority, this session focused on adopting and implementing RFID in baggage handling. Participants will be given some practical tools and resources to explore using RFID as a tracking solution for their operations and will be given…

NEXTT: Putting strategy into practice


This on-demand webinar covers a wide array of topics which draw on the vast spectrum of aspects included in the NEXTT vision.

IATA prioritises RFID for baggage tracking across the industry

ON-DEMAND By International Air Transport Association (IATA)

This webinar was an introduction to the IATA RFID priority, including RFID benefits, the IATA RFID roadmap and the IATA standard for RFID. It covered why IATA decided to move forward with RFID as the best mechanism for airlines to adopt Resolution 753 on baggage tracking and for the industry…

How IoT is helping to achieve safer and more efficient airside operations

ON-DEMAND By Honeywell

Airports are among the most heavily trafficked establishments, with travel expected to continue to increase. As airports work to accommodate more travellers — all while adhering to the latest industry standards — doing so efficiently becomes more difficult. Fortunately, technology developments are helping mitigate these challenges and helping airports can…

NEXTT: Industry-wide cost benefits


NEXTT (New Experience Travel Technologies) reimagines on-ground and airport experiences; in particular the emerging technologies and digital transformation this involves. ACI and IATA’s jointly published NEXTT visions have attracted industry-wide agreement on the ‘what’. So, the subsequent questions become ‘why’ and ‘how’. In presenting updates on the NEXTT initiative, including…

Tackling disruptions and ensuring a smooth day of operations

ON-DEMAND By Dassault Systèmes

Between delays, extreme weather conditions and complex labour union rules, ground operations are becoming more complex every day. Planners must manage information flow across different departments and avoid planning in silos. They must also ensure efficiency in resource utilisation without compromising employee satisfaction, even on the day of operations.

NEXTT Emerging Themes: Interactive Decision Making


In the concluding part of the NEXTT Emerging Themes webinar series we considered what data is available and how it can be shared to benefit passengers, enable greater operational responsiveness and improve security.