
NEXTT: Putting strategy into practice

Supported by:

23 July 2019

Supported by:

23 July 2019

NEXTT webinar

This on-demand webinar covers a wide array of topics, drawing on the vast spectrum of aspects included in the NEXTT vision. The NEXTT vision allows us to challenge the ways in which the industry operates today and create a new framework to meet the demands of tomorrow.

Every airport’s and airline’s operations reflect the environment and constraints that they face, and each will have different priorities. The NEXTT team compared the differing priorities and challenges a similar project faces when deployed in different locations.

The NEXTT team also discussed case-study examples of trials and proof of concepts that have been conducted to progress the NEXTT vision from strategy to business as usual.

Click here to view other NEXTT webinars and learn more about the vision.

Key Learning Points

Industry experts presented case studies which include three very different topics:

  • A look at next generation ramp operations or “Smart Stand”
  • Facial recognition for identity management
  •  Landside access, parking and traffic management.

The team showcased trials on passenger biometrics, aircraft-stand automation and landside access.

This on-demand webinar will provide insights into the role that standards play to deliver scalable and interoperable solutions.

Keynote Speakers


Simon Wilcox, Head of Transformation, Heathrow Airport

Leading the introduction of automation, innovation and transformation at Heathrow – creating a new airport operating model fit for the modern world.

We will explore implementing NEXTT and the opportunity this creates to change the way we operate to optimise and drive efficiency at an airport. We will also provide a short case study on the next generation ramp operation ‘Smart Stand’. 


Ting Xiong, Passenger Services Project Manager, Yunnan Airport Group Co.,Ltd

Leading transformation of information management, particularly for passenger services improvements across 15 airports in Yunnan province.

Ting Xiong will provide a brief introduction about facial recognition practice in Yunnan Airport and the usage scenario that combines facial recognition with eID (electronic ID card). Finally, the presentation will point out the existing problems and the way forward of improvement.


Justin Erbacci, Deputy Executive Director – Chief Innovation and Technology Officer, Los Angeles World Airports

Justin Erbacci was appointed Chief Innovation and Technology Officer and Deputy Executive Director in July 2016. He is responsible for implementing LAWA’s overall Information Technology vision and strategy, in addition to leveraging innovative technologies and processes to enhance operations at Los Angeles International and Van Nuys general aviation airports.


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