
Building a new Baggage Logistics Centre in Geneva’s fully operational airport

In this feat of engineering and project management, Geneva Airport is building a new Baggage Logistics Centre whilst keeping the airport fully operational.

Genève Aéroport put the foundation stone in place for its new Baggage Logistics Centre on 26 September 2019. It is a high-performing, innovative and more environmentally friendly Baggage Logistics Centre and is expected to open by the end of 2023. The current system, the main sorting system, for example, has been in use since 1994, and therefore needs to be replaced. This project also involves the replacement of all check-in desks, belts, conveyers, and scanners, which means that all processes to operate the brand-new system need to be built and replaced. The challenge? Make all the replacements while the current system is still operating! Geneva Airport accepted this challenge. 

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