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Baggage handling


Luggage on a baggage handling system conveyor beltBaggage handling is the process of transporting passenger luggage from a check-in counter at a departure airport, onto a plane cargo hold and then to a collection point at an arrival airport.

A baggage handling system (BHS) is made up of a number of different processes and checks. A BHS is designed to count bags, check weights of bags, balance loads, screen suitcases for security reasons, transport bags through an airport conveyor belt system and read bag information automatically.


RFID and modern baggage messaging: Where we are and what’s next

31 July 2019 | By International Air Transport Association (IATA)

To conclude IATA’s 2019 webinar series dedicated to baggage tracking, RFID and modern baggage messaging, this last session focused on where the industry is at and what can be expected as we move towards 2020. Participants were given an overview of the important milestones achieved in 2019, which notably included…


Modern baggage messaging standards

30 July 2019 | By International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Following on from the first two webinars of this series - which introduced the IATA RFID priority and highlighted some successful deployments - this session will cover the messaging aspect as baggage is moved according to messages that are sent from the airline Departure Control System (DCS) to the baggage…


Passenger experience: Delta, pioneering a seamless experience

20 July 2019 | By

In December 2018, Delta – in partnership with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and the Transportation Security Administration – unveiled the first biometric terminal in the United States. In a growing world that’s getting increasingly complicated, airports and airlines are turning to technology to streamline…


Baggage handling: Enhancing the passenger experience

17 July 2019 | By

Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), the company that manages and operates Queen Beatrix International Airport (Aruba Airport), is on the forefront of a highly needed expansion and modernisation project, namely the Gateway 2030 Project. Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) Manager, Julian Chung, reveals how the project’s new BHS is set to…


Baggage handling: Reducing congestion with innovative solutions

16 July 2019 | By

Checking in baggage is always an airport pressure point and a stressful part of a passenger’s airport journey. With this in mind, Tampa International Airport in Florida embarked on a revolutionary system to enable passengers to remotely check in luggage. Maria Rhodes, General Manager for Bags, reveals how the service…


Implementing RFID in baggage operations

10 July 2019 | By International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Following on from the first webinar of this series, which introduced the IATA RFID priority, this session focused on adopting and implementing RFID in baggage handling. Participants will be given some practical tools and resources to explore using RFID as a tracking solution for their operations and will be given…