14 Groupe ADP airports receive ACI Airport Health Accreditation
Groupe ADP's airports in Paris, Madagascar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India and Croatia, among others, have been awarded the ACI accreditation.
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News & articles from International Airport Review covering the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which codifies international air navigation.
Groupe ADP's airports in Paris, Madagascar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India and Croatia, among others, have been awarded the ACI accreditation.
Kirsty Wells, SeMS Programme Lead, and Nina Smith, Head of Training and Human Factors at the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), discuss the move towards Performance Based Oversight and how SeMS is the stepping stone in achieving this, alongside the professionalisation of training.
The guidance will support the logistics supply chain in preparation for the largest and most complex global logistics operation ever undertaken.
Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director in charge of Aviation Security and Facilitation in the Air Transport Bureau of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), details the future outlook for airport security post-COVID-19.
The second edition of ICAO's Take-off guidance includes recommendations on COVID-19 testing, travel bubbles and regulatory alleviations.
ACI has adopted the resolution to support recovery by urging airports to implement best practices for the accommodation of health measures in accordance with global and regional guidance.
The second edition of ICAO’s “Take-off” Guidance includes new information which will help to establish a globally harmonised approach to health measures and testing.
The programme has been piloted in Brazil but has several other countries already lined up, with plans to expand the number of languages offered for each course.
Rapid, accurate, affordable, easy-to-operate, scalable and systematic COVID-19 testing for all passengers before departure will support the recovery of the aviation industry, outlined IATA.
Oman Airports' efforts to protect passenger health during the COVID-19 pandemic has led Muscat to be the first airport in the region to receive the globally-recognised accreditation.
The two aviation bodies have outlined that implementing an internationally agreed approach to testing will support the recovery of air travel.
IATA has outlined that, currently, only 44 cases of COVID-19 have been thought to be associated with a flight journey, representing one case for every 27 million travellers.
ACI and IATA have outlined that testing should replace restrictive quarantine measures in order to support the recovery of air travel.
Qatar's airport has become the first to achieve independent verification from BSI for its implementation of COVID-19 ICAO Aviation Health Safety Protocols.
With an imbalance between the current tax burden and the foregone global GDP impacts, ACI World has outlined potential remedies to support aviation.