FAA issues Cape Wind determination
15 August 2012 | By FAA
The FAA issued a “Does Not Exceed (DNE)” determination for the proposed construction of 130 wind turbines in Nantucket Sound...
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News & articles from International Airport Review covering the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the national aviation authority of the United States
15 August 2012 | By FAA
The FAA issued a “Does Not Exceed (DNE)” determination for the proposed construction of 130 wind turbines in Nantucket Sound...
6 August 2012 | By FAA
"Investing in our nation’s airports promotes economic growth."
3 August 2012 | By Corpus Christi International Airport
The FAA has announced the award of a $16.3 million dollar grant to the Corpus Christi International Airport...
9 July 2012 | By FAA
Major infrastructure project expected to create hundreds of jobs...
19 June 2012 | By FAA
Reducing GA fatalities is a top priority of the FAA and the FAA’s goal is to reduce the GA fatal accident rate by 10%...
15 May 2012 | By FAA
The FAA released a study called General Aviation Airports: A National Asset...
14 May 2012 | By FAA
The FAA has compiled a proven track record of introducing new technology and aircraft safely into the NAS...
10 May 2012 | By FAA
“NextGen will help deliver an environmentally friendly, more efficient traveling experience...”
23 April 2012 | By FAA
$7.1 million grant for the next phase of the Runway 14-32 rehabilitation project...
16 April 2012 | By Saab Sensis Corporation
Saab, has hired Jana Murphy as chief of Washington, D.C. operations...
12 April 2012 | By FAA
The FAA has joined with the U.S. Department of State, USTDA, and the TSA together with Brazil's Ministry of External Relations...
20 March 2012 | By AAAE
A dozen associations urge Congress to continue its support of FAA's Contract Tower Program...
19 March 2012 | By FAA
Collaborative effort to make ATC more efficient, help airlines improve on-time performance...
8 March 2012 | By FAA
The FAA released its annual forecast projecting airline passenger travel will nearly double in the next 20 years...
8 March 2012 | By IATA
IATA urged US policy makers to improve aviation competitiveness by easing the tax and regulatory burdens on the airline industry...