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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)


2022 – a year to push past the uncertainty within aviation

2 February 2022 | By

It is fair to state that 2021 was not quite the year the aviation industry had anticipated, or even hoped for, in many cases. For International Airport Review, Sergi Alegre, Director General of Airport Regions Council explains how post-pandemic uncertainty is motivating ARC to innovate and strive to achieve even…


SESAR deployment drives efficient, modern ATM

24 November 2021 | By

For International Airport Review, Mariagrazia La Piscopia, Chief Strategy and Programme Management SESAR Deployment Manager, details the progress of SESAR Deployment and the benefits it is already bringing to the ATM sector, made more prevalent as the industry emerges from the pandemic.