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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)


Single European Sky (SES) objectives in sight

3 April 2007 | By Mr. Bernard Martens, Chairman of FAB Europe Steering Group

In 2006, six countries – Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland – undertook to take a step closer towards the Single European Sky objectives and to closely cooperate to enhance air traffic management in the core area of Europe. The "Functional Airspace Block (FAB) Europe Central" feasibility study,…


Airport CDM and the ground handling industry

6 February 2007 | By Elisabeth Lagios, Airport CDM Project Manager, EUROCONTROL

It is a fact that airports currently face the challenge of constantly increasing air traffic demand. Very few new airports are planned or under construction, and a saturated infrastructure will, in turn, make the job of maintaining maximum operational efficiency more and more complex.


Automating ATM: “Stripless” earns its spurs

1 December 2006 | By Alain Rossier, Chief Executive Officer, skyguide

Skyguide, Switzerland’s air navigation service provider, has achieved tangible improvements in both working comfort and ATC capacity since it adopted its new “stripless” air traffic management system in December 2005. To date, experience of the new system has been highly positive; the controllers’ enthusiasm for their new work-tool is a…


Eurocontrol and European airports

16 March 2005 | By Paul Wilson, Head of Airport Throughput Business Division, Eurocontrol

A recent and very detailed study by Eurocontrol into the evolution of traffic demand revealed some significant information for airports. Known as the Challenges to Growth 2004 Study, this work updated a previous report that was completed in 2001.