Egis selected by EUROCONTROL to provide support to CASCADE safety-related activities
4 October 2010 | By Egis
The EUROCONTROL CASCADE programme is aimed at planning and co-ordinating the European implementation of ADS-B...
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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)
4 October 2010 | By Egis
The EUROCONTROL CASCADE programme is aimed at planning and co-ordinating the European implementation of ADS-B...
1 October 2010 | By Eric Miart, Airport Programme and Environment Activity Manager, EUROCONTROL
The latest developments in Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) and Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA) If you work at a large airport, the chances are that you will be affected by at least one, if not both, of these initiatives. Implementation is rolling out across Europe. For CDA we are well…
29 September 2010 | By CANSO
The Italian Air Navigation Service Provider ENAV has decided to join the ever growing circle of ARTAS users to be well prepared for future European programmes...
16 September 2010 | By CANSO
Aviation organisations across Europe announced further progress in reducing emissions and noise from aircraft...
30 June 2010 | By Egis Avia
GNSS operations from the En-route to the Approach and Landing are going to be widely implemented over Europe in the coming years...
15 June 2010 | By CANSO
CANSO, has held a discussion on the fallout from the volcanic ash situation in Europe...
4 May 2010 | By DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
On Monday, the Supervisory Board of DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH appointed Dieter Kaden as CEO and Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors for a further two years...
21 April 2010 | By UBM Aviation
Whilst flights may no longer be grounded, the European ash crisis continues to impact airlines, passengers and cargo around the world.
5 April 2010 | By David McMillan, Director General, EUROCONTROL
Aviation has been especially badly hit by the economic crisis. Airlines worldwide lost €7.9 billion in 2009 and a further €4 billion loss is forecast for 2010. Traffic in Europe declined by 6.6% in 2009 – the biggest fall on record and one which has had a severe impact on…
5 April 2010 | By Kevin Morris, Aviation and Environment Manager, A|D|S
Following on from the successful “Arrivals Code of Practice”, UK aerospace industry experts from the airlines, airports, air traffic controllers, CAA and DfT chaired by A|D|S, have been working towards a similar Code of Practice for Ground Operations and Departing Aircraft. A ‘Departures and Ground Operations Code of Practice’ has…
11 December 2009 | By David McMillan, Director General, EUROCONTROL
Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA) are on the rise: March 2009 marked the launch of the European Joint Industry CDA Action Plan, backed by IATA, CANSO, ACI-EUROPE and EUROCONTROL1. Since then, according to EUROCONTROL's CDA Implementation Support Team, implementation progress has been non-stop. Why are CDAs gathering this momentum?
16 July 2009 | By Goran Redzepovic, Eurocontrol Military Expert
Runway Safety is a vital component of aviation safety as a whole. The predicted growth in air traffic implies that the actual numbers of incidents may rise, unless held in check by preventive actions such as those recommended in the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI).…
3 December 2008 | By David McMillan, Director General EUROCONTROL
EUROCONTROL publishes a series of studies aimed at providing decision makers with up-to-date assessments of the challenges presented by the increasing demand for air transport. The latest, ‘Challenges of Growth 2008’1, is the third in the series and looks at those long-term challenges needing long-term solutions.
30 May 2008 | By David McMillan, Director General, EUROCONTROL
It might be a truism, but change is gradually changing. This can be seen in the accelerating rate that new inventions are adopted wide-scale. The World Bank recently conducted a study into this and found that in the past, it took a long time before new technology was adopted.
7 June 2007 | By Victor Aguado, Director General, Eurocontrol
Aviation faces a truly major challenge: growth. In the past 50 years, it has grown by a factor of 20 and annual growth of around 3-7% is expected in the next 20 years - which means that 1995 traffic will have doubled by 2020. The question is: how can this…