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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)


“Didn’t they know we were coming?”

8 December 2011 | By Geraldine Flynn, Manager of A-CDM Implementation at EUROCONTROL

To set the context for this article I would like to state something that is evident to all, that causes huge problems for everyone, and which, for a long time there was no effective remedy. Flights are delayed (for perfectly legitimate reasons) and cannot be ready to depart at their…


The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM)

5 October 2011 | By Eduard Porosnicu, Senior AIM specialist and Digital NOTAM Project Manager at EUROCONTROL

The future Air Traffic Management (ATM) system will rely on advanced data exchange and data sharing services that communicate aeronautical information (infrastructure, route network, aerodrome, terrain, obstacle data) into the operational activities on the ground and in the air. The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) is a specification that enables…


The value of local runway safety teams versus technology

5 October 2011 | By Paul Wilson, Head of Air Traffic Management, EUROCONTROL and Yvonne Page, Project Manager of Runway Safety at EUROCONTROL

Today there are a number of diverse technologies available to aid operational staff in their work to prevent runway incursions and excursions and assure runway safety. The kinds of technologies we refer to include systems for air traffic controllers, pilots and manoeuvring area vehicle drivers and provide an alert that…