David McMillan granted with the European Business Aviation Awards at EBACE 2012
16 May 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
David McMillan granted with the 2012 European Business Aviation Awards...
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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)
16 May 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
David McMillan granted with the 2012 European Business Aviation Awards...
7 May 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
The first 3 months of 2012 saw a total of 2.12 million flights in Europe...
3 May 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
On 23-24 April, a seminar and workshop on ATM security oversight by National Supervisory Authorities took place in Dubrovnik...
2 May 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
Environmental restrictions are in place at most European airports...
29 March 2012 | By Joe Sultana, Chief Operating Officer, Directorate Network Management, EUROCONTROL
On 24 January 2002 at 01.00 UTC, the Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) programme went live. At one stroke past, 6,000 air traffic controllers in 41 European states allocated aircraft to six new flight levels. Capacity gains of 25 per cent were made between 2002 and 2007. It was the…
20 March 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
The Netherlands & EUROCONTROL signed a cooperation agreement...
14 March 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
Major airports including Istanbul, Amsterdam, London Heathrow and Munich experienced significant traffic delays in February 2012...
6 March 2012 | By
At a ceremony taking place the night before ATC Global 2012, EUROCONTROL received two of the prestigious Jane’s ATC Awards...
5 March 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
For a network to be safe, all the nodes have to interface effectively...
29 February 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
The number of flights in Europe is set to fall by 1.3% this year compared to 2011, reflecting the continent’s economic problems...
20 February 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
In its 2011 annual safety report, the SRC confirms that Europe has met its safety targets as set by ECAC for ATM-related accidents...
13 February 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
On 9th Feb, the first fully operational GNSS Landing System approach to CAT I decision height was made by an AirBerlin flight...
7 February 2012 | By Bo Redeborn, Principal Director of Air Traffic Management, EUROCONTROL
SESAR is the research and development arm of the Single European Sky. A founding member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking, EUROCONTROL is a major contributor to this huge programme, covering everything from 4D trajectories to system wide information management and, of course, airports. Pushing forward The SESAR airport activities have…
24 January 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
The 10th anniversary of the RVSM programme, one of the most important air traffic management projects Europe has ever seen...
10 January 2012 | By EUROCONTROL
2011 is forecast to see 3.3% (± 0.1%) growth in flights across Europe...