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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)


Collaboration in Helsinki

18 February 2013 | By Timo Suorto, CDM Project Manager at Finavia Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

After four years of planning, testing and hard work, on 2 October 2012 Helsinki Airport became the first Nordic airport and only the seventh European airport to adopt the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) pro - cedure. By being one of the frontrunners in adopting Airport CDM, Timo Suorto, CDM…


Winter Operations supplement 2013

17 February 2013 | By

Communication and coordination are key to a successful winter season (Nicky Cooper, Head of Network Operations Management, EUROCONTROL); Riga: Prepared for the winter season (Dzintra Jātniece, Director of the Airfield Management Department, Riga Airport); Keeping Norway open (Terje Selnes, Senior Advisor – Ground Services, Avinor HK)...


A victory for Polish airports

2 October 2012 | By Rafal Marczewski, Poland’s National Co-ordinator for Airports

Poland’s football team may not have progressed as much as they would have liked in Euro 2012 but in terms of airport efficiency, the country certainly put in a winning performance over the two weeks. Mark Glover from International Airport Review spoke to Rafal Marczewski, Poland’s National Co-ordinator for Airports…