NM Software Release 17.5 – further enhancing the operational performance of delivered services
27 November 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
One month of screening of operational incidents which have gone smoothly...
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News & articles from International Airport Review covering EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation and air traffic control (ATC)
27 November 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
One month of screening of operational incidents which have gone smoothly...
21 November 2013 | By SESAR
Innovative entries from Barco and NATS/Snowflake have won the top prizes in the 2013 SESAR SWIM Master Class Awards...
15 November 2013 | By Eurocontrol
The themes of efficiency and performance have become a key focus for Europe’s airports...
24 October 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
EUROAT is designed to provide a harmonised and standardised regulatory framework...
16 October 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
CEM promotes a collaborative approach between all the actors at an airport...
9 October 2013 | By Bo Redeborn, Principle Director – Air Traffic Management at EUROCONTROL
Bo Redeborn, Principle Director – Air Traffic Management at EUROCONTROL, discusses how Europe can adopt the concept of remote ATC towers
2 October 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
The primary benefit of a shared traffic view is increased safety...
24 September 2013 | By Eurocontrol
Our partnership with EUROCONTROL has greatly benefited both organizations over the years...
18 July 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
Forty experts met in ROMATSA premises in Bucharest for the 8th Voice over Internet Protocol Task Force meeting...
Airports need to develop a closer relationship to the network to reduce air traffic flow delays and improve the utilisation of airport slots, says Bo Redeborn, Director of ATM at EUROCONTROL…
8 July 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
Despite slower air traffic growth in the next 20 years, Europe still faces a significant airport capacity crunch...
14 June 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
The Network Manager was at its highest level of operational mobilisation in dealing with the considerable disruption caused by recent industrial action in France...
11 June 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
EUROCONTROL welcomes the proposal of the EC to strengthen Network Management...
30 May 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
Runway excursions are a persistent problem. According to ICAO, numbers of incidents have not changed in the last 20 years...
11 April 2013 | By EUROCONTROL
States could save up to €200 million each year...