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CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Service Organisation)



Angola’s ANSP partners with SITA for safer skies

6 March 2014 | By SITA

The Luanda flight information region over Angola is set to support aircraft using future air navigation system data link avionics with the deployment of the SITA FANS system communicating via the SITA AIRCOM data link service...


CANSO announces Vision 2020

19 June 2013 | By CANSO

CANSO has announced its strong vision to transform global air traffic management (ATM) performance and deliver seamless airspace globally...


Driving the changes for improved ATM performance

18 February 2013 | By

The greatest challenge faced by aviation today is the future. It is a future that is likely to be charact - erised by increasing demand, burgeoning levels of air traffic, mounting congestion, tighter environ - mental constraints, and escalating demands on scarce resources including airspace, land use around airports, and…