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Chopin Airport opens new rapid exit taxiway

11 March 2015 | By Katie Sadler, Digital Content Producer, International Airport Review

Warsaw’s Chopin Airport has opened a new rapid exit taxiway, TWY N1. The addition will allow aircraft landing from a westerly direction to exit RWY 1 faster improving operational capacity.

January passenger demand signals solid start to 2015

5 March 2015 | By The International Air Transport Association

The International Air Transport Association announced global passenger traffic results for January 2015 showing traffic growth (revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) of 4.6% compared to January 2014...

UK air traffic partners expand relationship, collaborate on new technology offerings

4 March 2015 | By NATS

NATS, the UK-based air traffic control company, and Lockheed Martin, the leading airport and air traffic management (ATM) technology provider, have entered a strategic partnership that strengthens the existing supplier relationship and underlines their commitment to further enable improved efficiency, safety and passenger experience across airports and air traffic systems…

CAA publishes 60 day update on general aviation work

3 March 2015 | By Civil Aviation Authority

Significant progress continues to be made to make regulation of the UK’s general Aviation (GA) sector more proportionate and evidence-based the UK Civil Aviation Authority have said...

CAA outlines future plans for its Medical Dept

27 February 2015 | By The UK Civil Aviation Authority

Following a public consultation, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has confirmed it is committed to exploring options for the way it currently provides medical services to the aviation industry...