Urgent action is needed to protect aviation from COVID-19 impacts, says ICAO, IMO and UNWTO
ICAO, IMO and UNWTO have called for urgent actions to be made in order to support the aviation and tourism sectors during the COVID-19 crisis.
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ICAO, IMO and UNWTO have called for urgent actions to be made in order to support the aviation and tourism sectors during the COVID-19 crisis.
Following travel restrictions, border closures and the closing of hotels, the UK government is now working with airlines to bring passengers home.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, CANSO has called for immediate action to maintain the stability of the entire aviation system, particularly ANSPs.
ACI World has issued guidance for airports regarding security screening during the COVID-19 pandemic, to help protect both staff and passengers.
TIACA has called for the air cargo industry’s voice to be heard fully by regulators and governments across the globe in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The European Business Aviation Association has called on the European Commission to consider all COVID-19 relief measures to ensure business continuity.
In response to the drastic impact of COVID-19 on the aviation industry, ACI World has suggested five global policy measures to alleviate the shortfall.
As the coronavirus outbreak continues to drastically affect the global aviation industry, ACI World has called for industry collaboration to combat the impact of COVID-19.
The letter, titled COVID-19: Aviation Relief Programme, calls on EU transport ministers and the European Commission to adopt supportive measures.
The CEO of AOA has warned that UK airports may be forced to shut down within weeks due to COVID-19 if the UK government doesn't provide immediate support.
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, Australian Airports Association's CEO has highlighted the impact suffered, and what needs to be done.
IATA has emphasised the importance of air cargo in combating the COVID-19 virus, and has called on governments to urgently implement protective measures.
Following the European Commission's decision to temporarily waive airport slot rules until 30 June 2020, ACI Europe and IATA have hailed the announcement.
By trialling the BAC Canine Program, Brisbane Airport hopes to ensure the safety of aircraft at the airport and reduce the risk of wildlife strikes.
Macau Airport's extension construction began following a commencement ceremony, which featured the start of site formation and piling works on site.