
Hermes Airports acquires highest level of ACA accreditation – neutrality

Following the pledge by European airports to become net zero by 2050, Hermes Airports storms ahead achieving ACA neutrality accreditation.

Hermes Airports acquires highest level of ACA accreditation - neutrality

Just six months after receiving the Level 3 ACA Certification, Hermes Airports has acquired the fourth and highest level of the ACA Certification for Larnaka and Pafos airports, which relates to the provision of compensation for carbon-dioxide emissions.  

The ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation) is issued by the ACI and focuses on efforts to map, calculate, reduce and offset carbon-dioxide emissions across the globe. The ACA certification is comprised of four levels, which have so far been acquired by 274 airports in 71 countries, representing 44 per cent of global air passenger traffic.

So far, only 51 airports around the world, including Larnaka and Pafos airports, have received the Level 3+ Neutrality Certification. To acquire this Hermes Airports had to adopt compensatory measures for the emissions that are directly controlled by the company and cannot be minimised or reduced further.

In this context, Hermes adopted measures to support three projects: The construction of a wind farm in Taiwan, a solar park in India, and the purchase of cookstoves for three communities in Nepal. These projects have a positive impact on the communities and are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with particular focus on Decent Work and Economic Growth and Affordable and Clean Energy among others. By investing in energy-efficient infrastructures, Hermes Airports managed to significantly reduce its carbon footprint, and as such, Larnaka and Pafos Airports attained carbon neutrality.

The certificates were presented to Hermes Airports’ Chief Executive Officer, Eleni Kaloyirou, and Chief Operating Officer, Miltos Miltiadous, by the Director General of ACI Europe, Olivier Jankovec, during the ACI Europe Annual Assembly & Congress held on 26-27 June 2019 in Limassol. Moreover, during the conference, Hermes Airports signed a landmark commitment to become net zero for their carbon emissions by 2050.

Hermes Airports Chief Executive Officer, Eleni Kaloyirou, said: “Receiving the highest level of ACA Certification is a great honour for Cypriot airports and confirms Hermes Airports’ commitment to the long-term reduction of carbon emissions, as well as the effectiveness of the airports’ strategy in managing energy policy and carbon-dioxide emissions.”

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