
HKIA plans to renumber gates to tie in with Sky Bridge project

Posted: 10 January 2019 | | No comments yet

Boarding gates and parking stands at Hong Kong International Airport are to be renumbered in time for the Sky Bridge project.


A number of boarding gates and parking stands at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) will be renumbered to tie in with the Sky Bridge that will connect the Terminal 1 and North Satellite Concourse (NSC). The renumbering is aimed to enhance the consistency and clarity of the wayfinding system of HKIA.

The Sky Bridge, a 200-metre long weatherproof footbridge equipped with travelators, is one of the enhancement projects at Terminal 1 to increase capacity and provide a novel and hassle-free experience for passengers.

The first phase of the renumbering will be implemented in March 2019, with the second phase following the completion of the Sky Bridge in 2020.

Currently, the boarding gates and parking stands at Terminal 1 are numbered so that the smaller numbers are the closest to the entrances of the restricted area, and numbers increases as passengers walk further into the terminal. The renumbering exercise will follow the same logic, and provide a clear sequence for passengers.


On 28 March 2019, Terminal 1 boarding gates and parking stands 15 to 22 will be changed to numbers 5 to 12. Upon the completion of the Sky Bridge, the NSC boarding gates and parking stands 501 to 510 will be renumbered as 13 to 22.

In tandem with the renumbering, the AA will update HKIA’s directional signage and deploy additional staff to provide extra assistance for passengers in finding boarding gates during the initial period. Notices will also be posted on HKIA’s website as well as the HKG My Flight mobile app.

The Civil Aviation Department and Airline Operators’ Committee were consulted on the renumbering. The AA will work closely with the airport community to inform passengers about the changeover and ensure a smooth boarding process.

The Sky Bridge will reduce passenger travel time and the need for using shuttle buses. Rising 28 metres above the ground, the Sky Bridge will allow the A380 aircraft, one of the largest passenger aircraft in the world, to taxi underneath. The Sky Bridge will feature catering outlets, providing scenic spots and relaxation spaces for passengers.

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