
Huawei announces strategic partnership with IATA

Telecommunications giant Huawei will play a key role in the advancement of the global aviation industry after joining IATA’s Strategic Partnership Programme.


PARTNERSHIP: IATA's Mark Hubble and Huawei's Yuan Xilin

The Chinese company announced the move at Passenger Terminal Expo in Stockholm this week.

Through the programme with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), it will use its advanced ICT innovations and expertise to help develop airports and airlines of the future, enhancing the passenger experience and optimising air cargo operations.

“The IATA Strategic Partnerships Program is open to companies that add value and bring benefits to the air transport industry directly and indirectly by means of their services, products and solutions,” said Mark Hubble, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Marketing and Commercial Services. “We are very happy to include Huawei in our growing family of Strategic Partners.”

Yuan Xilin, President of the Transportation Sector of Huawei Enterprise BG, said: “Huawei is excited to join IATA’s Strategic Partnerships Program. IATA provides an invaluable platform for members to collaborate with other aviation leaders on areas of mutual concern, and it enables airlines to benefit from a wide range of cutting-edge products and expertise to achieve safer, more efficient, and cost-effective operations.

“Huawei’s vision is to bring digital to every person, home, and organisation for a fully connected, intelligent world.

“With global airports and airlines evolving toward smart airports and smart airlines, Huawei is committed to becoming the best partner for aviation digital transformation by providing one-stop ICT solutions to help customers enhance services and create a seamless passenger experience.

“Together we will seek solutions that are critical to the future of the aviation industry.”

IATA represents 280 airlines of 120 countries, covering 83 per cent of total air traffic. Professional support is provided to all industry stakeholders with a wide range of products and expert services, including formulating industry policies to address aviation issues.

Huawei’s ICT products, solutions, and services have been adopted by more than 50 airports, airlines, and air traffic control authorities. Customers include more than 15 global airports with more than 30 million annual passengers each.

Through the Strategic Partnership, Huawei has said it will help customers build smart airports and airlines that are dynamic, efficient, collaborative, innovative, and ready for an intelligent era, meeting airports’, airlines’ and passengers’ requirements for safety, efficiency, and personalised services.

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