
IATA, ICAO and IFALPA jointly announce FRMS Implementation Guide for operators

Posted: 18 July 2011 | ICAO | No comments yet

IATA, ICAO and IFALPA announced the release of a FRMS Implementation Guide…

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) today announced the release of a Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) Implementation Guide for commercial aircraft operators.

FRMS is a methodology based on scientific principles that will allow operators to manage the fatigue-related risks particular to their types of operations and context. It provides a viable alternative to traditional prescriptive flight and duty time rules. Advancements in science have brought a better understanding of the correlation between fatigue and performance as well as fatigue mitigation methods. The FRMS Implementation Guide applies these advancements to enhance flight safety at a time when fatigue is increasingly cited as a contributing factor in accidents.

Nancy Graham, Director of ICAO’s Air Navigation Bureau, stated that “Safety is aviation’s number one priority and we all share in the responsibility to protect the lives of passengers and crews. The collaborative process for developing the FRMS Guidance is a perfect example of what can be achieved when we commit to finding and implementing a common solution.”

IATA, ICAO and IFALPA collaborated on developing an FRMS Implementation Guide for Operators, in line with specific guidance for regulators. The Guide includes valuable insight into the methodology and framework for implementing an effective fatigue risk management programme and an explanation of the science supporting it.

“FRMS enhances safety scientifically and in consideration of today’s operational realities and accumulated experience. This Implementation Guide now puts regulators, pilots and the industry on the same page when it comes to ensuring safe operations with optimum crew performance,” said Guenther Matschnigg, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Safety, Operations and Infrastructure.

“The value of this document is that pilots, regulators and operators have all agreed to a common approach to the complex issue of fatigue. I am enthusiastic as this is just the beginning of a progressive and productive relationship with our industry partners on this important issue,” concluded Captain Don Wykoff, IFALPA’s President.

In support of this cooperation and to further facilitate understanding and implementation, IATA, ICAO and IFALPA are joining forces to deliver FRMS information workshops around the globe to outline the context for the FRMS requirements from the perspective of each of the stakeholders – regulator, operator and pilot.

The Council of ICAO recently adopted international standards for FRMS, to ensure consistent implementation of FRMS by operators and oversight by regulators.