
Indonesian airport to remain closed amidst volcanic eruptions

Posted: 28 November 2017 | | No comments yet

The main airport on the island of Bali will remain closed for another day as the result of the ash thrown by a volcanic eruption.



Many holiday makers in Bali have been stranded as Indonesian Authorities opted to keep Denpasar Airport closed for a second day.

The decision was made by the Directorate General of Air Transport of the Ministry of Transportation because of volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Agung. The international airport on the nearby island of Lombok has been reopened. 

“After the eruption last night, a coordination meeting at the Office of the Airport Authority was held with all relevant stakeholders. It was decided that the closure will be extended until tomorrow morning at 7am. The decision was submitted to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and approved,” said Airnav Indonesia Operations Director Wisnu Darjono. 

The decision, he added, was taken in light of Mount Agung’s ever-increasing activity and eruption. Paper test data submitted by airport operators and officials of the Airport Authority IV Office showed the was volcanic ash in the airport area, but the airspace has been affected by volcanic ash.

Mr Darjon added: “Reports of data analysis and prediction of direction and wind speed show that the direction of the wind from north to northeast with a speed of 5-10 kts. In addition, SIGMET information has shown that volcanic ash moves south and southwest so that it covers the air space above I Gusti Ngurah Rai (Denpasar International) Airport.”


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