
Counting down to Airport 2017, Vienna!

It is a little more than a month until International Airport Review’s highly successful annual event returns: Airport 2017!


We’d like to take a moment to welcome all those confirmed as partners of this year’s event including Siemens, Vanderlande, IATA and many more. For a full list, feel free to consult the event’s official website here.

Airport 2017 splits itself into three principle streams that focus respectively on Airport IT, Airport Security and Airport Disaster & Crisis Management. Here at International Airport Review, we firmly believe in open debate in the discussion of how best to approach challenges we face as an industry and it is our belief that Airport 2017 provides the perfect forum to move forward together.

At the event, there will the opportunity to meet and network with Heads of Security and IT at various airports from around the world as well as listen to the wide array of diverse speakers at the event who will provide unrivalled thought leadership on the various topics discussed.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all 400 of our guests to Vienna. If you would also like to engage this highly influential community, please contact Nic Losardo.

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