
Stuttgart Airport to be climate-neutral by 2050

By 2050 Stuttgart Airport’s operations are to be fully carbon-neutral.


Stuttgart Airport is accelerating towards climate protection with new reduction targets: the airport intends to half its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as compared to 1990. 

Not alone air traffic, also the journey to and from the airport as well as operations on the ground cause emissions that contribute to global warming. In line with the fairport-idea, Stuttgart Airport recognises its responsibility to reduce its environmental impact to a minimum. “Climate protection has been on our agenda for many years. Yet, accomplishing climate-neutrality across our entire operation represents an extremely demanding task that we have assigned to ourselves and through which we want to grow. In doing so the airport takes its share in efforts against climate change”, said Walter Schoefer, management director of Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH.

So far Stuttgart Airport has reduced 26 % of the emissions associated to the organisation in relation to 1990. The 2030-goal is to be reached through efficiency and reduction projects on the compound. 8,000 tons of CO2 are supposed to be avoided in this process. Specifically, this means that the electric fleet will have to be continuously increased, more electricity will have to be produced from alternative sources and energy storages massively expanded. Beyond that new buildings and refurbishments have the potential to save energy and decrease CO2-emissions.

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