
Trump champions US airports for $1 trillion infrastructure push

US President Donald Trump has announced that he will call upon congress to invest $1 trillion in infrastructure including airports and aviation…


The move is likely to be seen by the industry with hope for renewed investment in US aviation and airport infrastructure.

“Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our beautiful land,” President Trump said in an address to Congress at the end of February, calling for “a new program of national rebuilding.”

He then asked Congress to “approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in the infrastructure of the United States – financed through both public and private capital—creating millions of new jobs.”

Airports Council International-North America president and CEO Kevin Burke, who met the president in a White House meeting with other US airline CEOs and airport directors, suggested that airports “welcomed his continued commitment to improving airport infrastructure in his address before a joint session of Congress.

“We look forward to continuing our work with the administration to address our significant airport infrastructure needs.”

Read our previous coverage of Trump’s current and potential impact on US aviation here:

How Donald Trump might impact upon the future of aviation and airport security

Airline and airport executives meet President Trump

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