
The president of Aena has been today nominated member of the Executive Committee of CANSO

Posted: 15 June 2010 | CANSO | No comments yet

Juan Lema, has today been elected as a member of the Executive Committee of CANSO…

Juan Lema, President Director General of Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea, the air navigation service provider of Spain, has today been elected as a member of the Executive Committee of CANSO, the organization established in 1996 which represents the interests of the companies that provide air traffic control, with 112 members worldwide.

mr lema

Mr Lema

Mr. Lema expressed his satisfaction at being elected. And after thanking all the members he commented “this is a great opportunity to work hand-in-hand with the ExCom to deliver a strategy to steer the future of CANSO during these difficult times when the global financial crisis is impacting the aviation industry the most”.

Mr. Lema, aeronautical engineer and economist, held several executive positions in private companies and Aena, where he became Director of Spanish Airports. In the international arena, he was member of the Board of Directors of Airports Council International European Region (ACI EUROPE) and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board from 1999 through 2000.

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