
Happy Flow Smart City to debut at Trustech in Cannes

Posted: 28 November 2016 | International Airport Review | No comments yet

The innovative, biometric single-token travel solution Happy Flow Smart City is set to premiere at Trustech in Cannes 29 November 2016…


The innovative, biometric single-token travel solution Happy Flow Smart City is set to premiere at Trustech in Cannes 29 November 2016.


The vision of Happy Flow Smart City is to revolutionise the interaction model among citizens, governments, travel stakeholders, and additional private interests, whereby the former will access, in a quick and streamlined manner, a series of services usually characterised by bottlenecks of time and efficiency, stemming from the need to verify and authenticate their identities. Identity thus is verified by way of biometrics, in replacement of passport, ID Card, boarding pass, keys, passwords among other traditional tokens, easing access to multiple services, in a quick, uncomplicated, modern way.

“Have you ever thought about how many times we are identified every day? Every time we use our credit card, every time we insert a password or every time we provide our passport, ID card or driver’s license. Identification happens everywhere and for the most varied purposes. So why not make it simpler, using one single key?” asks Miguel Leitmann, CEO at Vision-Box.

Happy Flow Smart City is a user-centric multi-environment identification ecosystem based on smart touchpoint technology, biometric tokens and web-based services integrated into a system designed to facilitate citizen enrollment and identification processes in official or commercial transactions with government, travel and private enterprise stakeholders.

Whether requesting new documents, crossing borders, booking hotels, buying souvenirs or entering casinos, the system securely verifies the user’s identity through facial, iris, or fingerprint authentication.

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