
Schiphol testing exciting new baggage security system

Posted: 7 November 2016 | International Airport Review | No comments yet

Together with the National Coordinator for Security and Counter-terrorism and KLM, Schiphol is testing two new scanning devices for hand baggage…


Together with the National Coordinator for Security and Counter-terrorism and KLM, Schiphol is testing two new scanning devices for hand baggage.


For the test, passengers can leave their liquids and laptop in their bag. The software in the scanning devices makes it possible for the security staff to turn the contents of the hand baggage 360 degrees on all axes on a screen, allowing them to view it from all angles and closely inspect it for prohibited items.

The pilot project with the new scans will take place in two security lanes: one in Departure Hall 3 and one in Transfer Filter E/F, where transfer passengers are checked. The passengers will receive an explanation and instructions on the spot.

They will still have to put their liquids and gels in a resealable, plastic bag with a volume of not more than 1 litre, with none of the containers in the bag holding more than 100 ml.

In the specific lane where the pilot project is being carried out, the passengers will receive a separate instruction: the 1 litre bag with liquids and gels may remain in their bag.

Another purpose of the pilot project is to find out whether the screening process can be made simpler and faster for passengers.

If everything goes according to plan and the pilot project is completed successfully, Schiphol will gradually introduce these new and innovative hand baggage scanning devices in all 67 security lanes. We expect to see this process finished in late 2017.

Schiphol is working continuously to improve the security process, with the aim of making the security check more pleasant and more comfortable for passengers and ensuring a safe and efficient security process at the airport.

The collaboration with the National Coordinator for Security and Counter-terrorism and KLM over the past few years has, among other things, resulted in the introduction of the very first security scan for passengers, crew and staff and the new security lane in 2015.

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