
AirportsUK (AOA) react to King’s Speech

Posted: 18 July 2024 | | No comments yet

Chief Executive of the trade body AirportsUK (formerly the Airport Operators Association, AOA) has issued a response to the King’s Speech.

kings speech airport industry

Karen Dee, the chief executive of AirportsUK, formerly the Airport Operators Association (AOA), has issued a comment on yesterday’s King’s Speech:

“We are pleased that the new government has signalled its continued backing of SAF production, through the industry-supported mandate and a revenue support mechanism that will help bring forward investment and help grow a new industry for the UK.

“This will enable aviation to reduce its carbon emissions, to grow sustainably, and support economic growth in every region of the UK through new jobs, new investment and new connectivity to global markets.

“AirportsUK will now work closely with colleagues in the Sustainable Aviation coalition to examine the detail of the new bill and with the government to ensure it will enable the stable, sustainable and affordable aviation sector we rely on.”

Commenting on some of the other announcements, Dee also said:

We will also seek to work closely with the government on planned bills and policies focusing on planning and infrastructure, the industrial strategy, devolution, skills and the apprenticeship levy.

“These are key areas that AirportsUK has highlighted to new ministers as areas that require reform to deliver sustainable economic growth supported by a vibrant and thriving aviation sector.”

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