
The development of “LAD” Linate Airport District

Posted: 20 October 2023 | | No comments yet

A new green and blue district by the Idroscalo open to passengers and all Milan residents.


Credit: Studio Architettura

SEA is pleased to announce the project to transform the area adjacent to Linate Airport, overlooking the Idroscalo, into an innovative smart district called “Linate Airport District” (LAD).

A new vision thanks to Linate Airport District (LAD)

Following the recent modernisation of the Linate terminal, which has made it the “Best Airport 2023” according to ACI Europe, and the arrival of the M4, which has considerably reduced connection times with the centre of Milan, SEA wants to open a formerly inaccessible area to the city, which will offer large green spaces, new buildings and direct access to the Idroscalo: the Linate Airport District.

The goal of this project is to regenerate a site that until now has been used as a service space and for which the presence of the Idroscalo should no longer represent a mere physical limitation, but a chance to create value, beauty and development opportunities.

ChorusLife Linate: a model of an integrated city

The urban regeneration project, entrusted to Chorus Life Linate SpA, managed by COSTIM – a subsidiary of the POLIFIN Group, under the sub-concession contract as a developer of redevelopment operations – will be based on the “ChorusLife” concept. This “city of the future” model promotes sustainability, sharing and socialising between different generations, combining services and offering benefits to both airport functions and LAD users.

The “Linate Airport District” for everyone

The “Linate Airport District” – the development of which, under sub-concession, will be called “Chorus Life Linate” – will be available to airport operators and users of the M4. This project aims to connect the airport to captivating “green and blue” scenery, represented by the Idroscalo, offering opportunities for recreation and relaxation for Milan residents and others.

The design concept – devised by COSTIM’s Development division together with the Tectoo architecture studio – aims to enhance the presence of water in the urban context, emphasising nature and the quality and usability of spaces, partly thanks to the system of cycle and pedestrian paths interspersed with public squares and meeting places.

Part of Milan’s Urban Renaissance

This initiative is part of the broader process of urban regeneration in Milan, helping to make the city more liveable and green. A new four-star hotel and office buildings will be constructed according to strict environmental sustainability standards, certified by LEED and WELL.

The buildings will also have a smaller land footprint than the demolished structures, permitting the creation of large connecting spaces and gardens with approximately 14,000 square metres of urban greenery.

This redevelopment is very timely, given the beauty of the landscape behind the terminal, which is currently underused in these areas occupied by obsolete and non-functional buildings, a multi-storey car park for operators, and service buildings: a portion of the office section of the new “LAD” will house SEA’s Headquarters.


Credit: Studio Architettura

A new chapter for Linate Airport

“The Linate Airport District completes Linate’s restyling,” declared Armando Brunini, CEO of Sea Milan Airports. Milan has an airport that meets the highest quality standards that the industry has to offer. By redeveloping the site areas, functions and services supporting airport operations will be improved with a twofold benefit. We can offer those who work at the airport modern and functional work spaces and all citizens large green spaces directly connected to the Idroscalo.”

A shared vision

“We are developing the ‘ChorusLife’ urban regeneration concept (the first example of which is nearing completion in Bergamo, Ed.) in the Linate Airport District (LAD) project,” commented Francesco Percassi, COSTIM President, and Massimo Tivegna, COSTIM Vice President and POLIFIN Managing Director. We want to transform the area around Linate Airport into an innovative, dynamic and inclusive urban hub, offering sustainable benefits to travellers and the surrounding community.”

“The functional recovery of little-used spaces within the airport site,” commented Pierluigi Di Palma, ENAC President, “and the integration of Linate with the city thanks to technological and architectural solutions that are instrumental and complementary to airport operations, are key elements of the Development Plan definitively approved by Enac following the environmental and urban planning compatibility check. As per Enac’s mission statement, this is a development programme based on the principles of reconciling air transport with the environment.”

“The redevelopment of the Linate area would not really be complete without giving a new development opportunity to the disused spaces bordering the Idroscalo,” – commented Milan Metropolitan City Mayor Giuseppe Sala.–. This is why the Linate Airport District is an interesting urban regeneration project: it will provide all citizens, starting with airport users and workers, with new services and green areas.”

Preliminary activities (demolition and reclamation) will start no later than 2024.

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