
Schiphol details plans for baggage basement renovation

Posted: 17 January 2023 | | 1 comment

To continue guaranteeing baggage reliability, Schiphol will first install a completely new and working system elsewhere, after which, the existing systems that require updating can be tackled.

Schiphol is making preparations for the construction of a new baggage basement with handling system, and renovation of the existing basement.

c: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Schiphol is renewing, renovating and further innovating its baggage basements.

The group is making preparations for the construction of a new baggage basement with handling system, meaning the existing baggage system can be renovated without disruption to airlines and passengers.

Schiphol has over 145,000m2 of baggage systems – a total surface area equal to around 29 football pitches – that are divided across various areas. With a useful lifespan of around 30 years, some of these areas are due for renovation. To continue guaranteeing baggage reliability, Schiphol will first install a completely new and working system elsewhere, after which, the existing systems that require updating can be tackled. 

Improved working conditions

Construction of the new baggage basement and renovation of the existing basement will enable Schiphol to ensure operational continuity, but also further improve the working conditions of its baggage employees.

Schiphol is working on improving the quality of work at the airport. This includes redesigning the baggage process, work areas and rest areas. Innovative automation and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions will provide more support to baggage employees in the future. Examples of such solutions include the further development of existing robots in the baggage basement, the production of machines that can unload suitcases and the development of autonomous vehicles that will drive around the baggage basement to move carts and containers.  

Keeping the option of a new terminal open

The new baggage basement will be built at the location where a possible new terminal can be constructed. There is no decision yet on the construction of the new terminal. To keep the option open, an integral preliminary design is being created in collaboration with design team KLAIR (a consortium of van Kaan Architecten, Estudio Lamela, ABT and Ineco). The design will take the possibility of the construction of a new terminal on the roof of the new baggage basement into account. In this way, time, money and resources can be used consciously and sustainably. The new baggage basement will function independently of any new terminal to be built on top of it. In other words, the new basement is necessary to facilitate a future large-scale renovation.   

This project – the creation of a new innovative baggage system – was granted to Vanderlande Industries by way of a framework agreement. The tender for the construction of the baggage basement will start this year. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.

One response to “Schiphol details plans for baggage basement renovation”

  1. Koralla Subhash says:

    Baggage system renovation projects will be essential part of improving airport efficiencies.
    Similar to other systems becoming smaller by day, space requirements should come down while increasing system capacity by renovation projects.

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