
BLR Airport reaches 250 million passenger milestone

Since the launch of Bangalore International Airport’s Opening Day, the airport as surpassed a significant milestone by crossing the 250 million passenger mark.

busy airport

Bangalore International Airport (BLR) has achieved a significant milestone by crossing the 250 million passenger mark since the launch of its operations or Airport Opening Day (AOD), during 24 to 26 June 2022. An additional 50 million passengers travelled from BLR in a span of nearly three years despite the pandemic and consequential slowdown. Furthermore, BLR also achieved the milestone of two million Air Traffic Movements (ATM) since AOD, making it the fastest Public-Private Partnership (PPP) airport in South India to achieve this milestone.

The addition of new carriers in conjunction with the introduction of new routes and rising passenger numbers on existing routes has led to this noteworthy accomplishment. While the pandemic has meant that traffic growth over the past two years has been slower than usual, BLR has historically grown very fast, as evidenced by how quickly the airport has reached some of these milestones.

Milestones achieved since AOD

Credit: BLR Airport

Hari Marar, MD and CEO, Bangalore International Airport Ltd (BIAL) commented: “Reaching the 250 million milestone reassures us that our customer-centric approach, innovation, and technically advanced infrastructure, in conjunction with the introduction of new routes and working closely with our airline partners and other stakeholders have led to consistent growth at BLR. The milestone that we have achieved in such a short span is proof of our dedicated efforts to introduce the best to our passengers.”

To create an exceptional travel experience for passengers, BLR offers world-class infrastructure and facilities. Passengers can experience the best of hospitality at the newly launched 080 lounges and Transit Hotel during their stopover at the airport. With the opening of the state-of-the-art Terminal 2, BLR aims to become the ‘New Gateway to India’.

BLR was recently voted by passengers as the ‘Best Regional Airport in India and South Asia’ at the 2022 Skytrax World Airport Awards.

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