
BER welcomes amended charges schedule to help reduce aircraft noise

Berlin Brandenburg Airport will receive an updated schedule of airport charges, taking into consideration a case-by-case calculation methodology to calculate aircraft noise-related take-off and landing charges.

BER noise abatement

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning has approved the change in airport charges for Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) requested by Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB). The decision was handed over to FBB. The updated schedule of charges is to apply from 1 September 2022.

The amendment to the schedule of charges concerns the regulations on noise-related take-off and landing charges. The noise-related charge is levied for aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of 2,000kg or more. So far, the aircraft have been divided into different noise classes based on their type. The noise charge was calculated at a flat rate. In future, this approach will be replaced by a case-by-case calculation of noise charges. This is measured according to the noise level actually measured during each individual take-off and landing.

Guido Beermann, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Planning commented: “This regulation is intended to create a stronger incentive for the use of quieter aircraft and quieter use of aircraft. This is a further step towards effective noise protection for citizens living near the airport. After all, airlines whose aircraft fly quieter have to pay less than those who operate their air traffic with particularly noisy aircraft – and not on a flat-rate basis, but on the basis of each individual flight.”  

Aletta von Massenbach, CEO of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH added: “We are pleased that this system developed by us for the differentiated calculation of noise charges has now been approved. The new methodology creates a financial incentive for airlines to fly as quietly as possible. This refers not only to the use of the aircraft, but also to the use of appropriate flight procedures to reduce noise. The result is particularly beneficial for our neighbours: the new regulation contributes to reducing noise for all residents.”  

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