
HKIA reports strong traffic growth in first month of 2014

Posted: 17 February 2014 | Hong Kong International Airport | No comments yet

Hong Kong International Airport got 2014 off to a good start, recording growth in all three air traffic categories for January…

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) got 2014 off to a good start, recording growth in all three air traffic categories for January. During the month, passenger volume saw a year-on-year increase of 11.1% to 5.14 million, while cargo throughput and flight movements reached 352,000 tonnes and 32,685 respectively, representing growth of 5.3% and 7.9%.

The growth in passenger traffic was driven mainly by Hong Kong resident traffic and visitor traffic, which saw 22% and 11% gains respectively over the same month last year. Passenger traffic to and from Mainland China and Taiwan recorded the most significant increases.

Growth in January cargo throughput was primarily due to a 10% increase in exports. During the month, cargo throughput to and from South East Asia and Europe improved most significantly compared to other key regions.

Stanley Hui Hon-chung, Chief Executive Officer of Airport Authority Hong Kong, said, “Air traffic figures started 2014 on a bright note. We are seeing continued healthy growth, with passenger numbers making a surge towards the end of the month due to the Chinese New Year holidays. From 28 January to 4 February, HKIA handled an average of 175,000 passengers and 1,060 flight movements per day, showing increases of 3% and 4.5% respectively when compared with the same holiday period last year. A more meaningful comparison can be made when the combined traffic statistics for the first two months are available in March.”

On a rolling 12-month basis, passenger traffic rose 7.5% year on year to 60.4 million. Flight movements increased 6.1% to 374,445 and cargo tonnage rose 1.4% to 4.14 million tonnes compared to the same period one year earlier.