
ACI EUROPE Best Airport Award winners for 2013 announced

Posted: 11 June 2013 | Airports Council International (ACI) | No comments yet

The 9th Annual ACI EUROPE Best Airport Awards were announced…

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The 9th Annual ACI EUROPE Best Airport Awards were announced last night during the opening reception of the joint ACI EUROPE/ ACI WORLD Annual Congress and Exhibition, hosted by TAV Airports. The event is being attended by more than 800 industry representatives, including CEOs from major airports, airlines, air traffic management, national governments and the EU institutions. The theme of this year’s event is “Dynamic Airport Business Transformation” and this compelling revolution in airport business was indeed very much in evidence within all airports’ submissions for the Awards.

This years’ judging panel was drawn from a well-respected group of independent experts including EUROCONTROL, European Passengers’ Federation, Malaysia Airports Holdings and the Disabled People’s Association (Denmark). ACI EUROPE counts around 450 airports in 44 European countries among its membership and this year’s competition saw a high level of competition in each of the five categories.

The ACI EUROPE Best Airport Awards* cover 4 categories of airport and aim to recognise achievement in core activities such as customer service, facilities, retail, security, community relations and environmental awareness and operations. There was a separate award devoted specifically to airports’ environmental efforts.

The awards were presented to the winning airports by Olivier Jankovec, Director General ACI EUROPE, Angela Gittens, Director General ACI WORLD and Frank Brenner, Director General EUROCONTROL.

The first award, recognising airports in the ‘1-5 million passenger’ category, went to London City Airport. The judges awarded the prize to the airport for its streamlined passenger experience which is at the heart of its corporate strategy. The airport is unique in that it encourages people to check in as late as possible and does not expect its passengers to spend a great deal of time dwelling in its duty free shops.

The winner of the ‘5-10 million passenger’ category was Edinburgh Airport. This is the third Best Airport Awards victory in a row for Edinburgh, with the judges being impressed by the airport’s route development funding, geared for improved connectivity.

This year’s award in the ‘10-25 million passenger’ category went to Hamburg Airport. Hamburg secured the Award due to its work across a broad range of areas, with a record of excellence in the majority of the judges’ criteria. In particular Hamburg Airport was singled out for its attributes such as free WIFI, an extensive social media presence, a strong emphasis on environmental and community relations and its active engagement in airport research with the community. The airport was also noted for its good information towards persons with reduced mobility.

And in the final category, for airports with ‘over 25 million passengers’, this year’s ACI EUROPE Best Airport was jointly awarded to both Amsterdam Airport Schiphol & London Heathrow Airport. A common point highlighted by all judges was that of both airports’ delivery of excellent services and facilities while also an appreciation of the airport’s consistent commitment to its corporate responsibilities, be it to persons with reduced mobility, the environment, or to the local community which they operate within.

This year’s Eco-Innovation Award, which is awarded by the independent Advisory Board of Airport Carbon Accreditation, went to Athens International Airport. The airport scored highest on criteria such as stakeholder engagement, staff training and innovation. Its hard work to lower its CO2 emissions confirms that despite economic pressures, this company continues to seek and deliver environmental management systems that go well beyond regulatory requirements.

Finally, the WBP Recognition Award went to Sarah Branquinho, Business Relations & External Affairs Director, World Duty Free Group and President of the European Travel Retail Confederation in recognition of her proactive role and support in research and advocacy in the area of commercial activity through her involvement in ACI’s World Business Partner programme.

The 24th ACI EUROPE Annual General Assembly, Congress & Exhibition will be hosted by Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide and will take place in Frankfurt on the 16-18 June 2014.