
Australian and NZ airport communities together commit to safety

Posted: 14 October 2019 | | No comments yet

Thousands of airport employees at more than 150 airports and aerodromes across Australia and New Zealand will take part in Airport Safety Week.

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The partnership between the Australian Airports Association (AAA) and NZ Airports Association will see airport staff complete a wide range of activities during Airport Safety Week, exploring this year’s theme of ‘Our airport, our community’.

AAA Chief Executive Officer, Caroline Wilkie, said the week would encourage those taking part to share knowledge as part of a strong health and safety culture at their airport. “Airports have a unique set of challenges and the AAA is dedicated to ensuring the industry upholds the highest standards for everyone working at or visiting our airports.

“Airport Safety Week gives all airport users the chance to work together to improve understanding and build collaboration on key issues.

“There are some great events taking place across Australia and New Zealand, providing staff and members of the local community a unique insight into the safe operation of our airports.”

Airports will host a range of events based on human factors within safety, promoting a just safety culture, foreign object debris (FOD), wellness in the workplace and safe management systems.

Participants will look at how a wide range of roles contribute to safety, including biosecurity, customs and aerodrome reporting officers.

Organised tours of the airfield, air traffic control towers and aviation rescue firefighting stations will also be taking place. Airport staff from all sectors of the business will join forces to collect FOD from the airfield to highlight an important part of an airport’s procedures.

Established in 2014, Airport Safety Week continues to raise awareness of the importance of airport safety.