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Regulation & Legislation


There are a multitude of regulations and legislation that impact the aviation industry. These can be focused on safety, workforce needs, the legal requirements of connecting countries, and more.

As new risks begin to threaten airports, new regulations come into play to protect the aerodrome environment and its inhabitants. 

With multiple aviation authorities working within the industry, regs and legs are being continuously reviewed. Within this section of International Airport Review we hope to keep you up to date on the most recent amendments and rules.


Re-inventing airport non-aeronautical revenue generation post COVID-19

22 September 2020 | By AOE GmbH

The travel industry has been decimated by COVID-19 and airports have become white elephants for many months. When the big resumption happens, recovery is anything but guaranteed. There will be a new breed of travellers, concerned about very different things from the past. They will be more concerned about safety…


Discussing the impacts of COVID-19 on the NEXTT vision

21 September 2020 | By NEXTT Vision (IATA & ACI)

As a  joint initiative of ACI and IATA, NEXTT (New Experience Travel Technologies) creates a shared vision for the future of travel. The COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts it has had on travel, passenger confidence and airport operations has further confirmed the validity of and need for concepts of NEXTT.…