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Construction & Design


Airport Construction and Airport DesignWith the demand for air travel rising, projects that are investing in infrastructure and expanding existing facilities are frequenting the airport industry. These construction and design projects involve a wide range of stakeholders, and vary both in size and cost.

The role of an airport is to facilitate a journey to a desired destination, however, many airports are endeavouring to become destinations in themselves. To achieve this demands new designs and innovative features which can provide a ‘wow factor’ for passengers, allowing airports to not only cope with growth, but excel.

Already we have seen inspiring applications of innovative design within the industry. In this section of International Airport Review’s website, we will showcase examples of creative construction and design, and keep you up to date with project progress around the world.


The key to Australia

2 October 2012 | By Julieanne Alroe, CEO and Managing Director, Brisbane Airport Corporation

Brisbane Airport is the third largest airport in Australia on passenger numbers and the premier gateway to the state of Queensland. Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it is Australia’s largest capital city airport (by land size) and has two major terminals providing services to 27 airlines…


A victory for Polish airports

2 October 2012 | By Rafal Marczewski, Poland’s National Co-ordinator for Airports

Poland’s football team may not have progressed as much as they would have liked in Euro 2012 but in terms of airport efficiency, the country certainly put in a winning performance over the two weeks. Mark Glover from International Airport Review spoke to Rafal Marczewski, Poland’s National Co-ordinator for Airports…


Service and comfort

3 August 2012 | By Julian Jäger, Management Board Member at Flughafen Wien AG and Günther Ofner, Management Board Member at Flughafen Wien AG

With its location at the centre of Europe, Vienna Airport has developed into an important turntable to Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It has thus grown into the biggest employer within the region and a major economic motor for Austria. The development of the airport has continued by enlarging…


An airport city rises

1 June 2012 | By John Atkins, Airport City Director, Manchester Airports Group

Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, Manchester in northern England, is recognised as the world’s first industrialised city, and at the turn of the 18th century outstripped even London as the largest centre for manufacturing, not just in the UK, but throughout the world. Today, a post-industrialised Manchester is notable for…


Europe’s new gateway

29 March 2012 | By Prof. Dr. Rainer Schwarz, CEO of Berlin Brandenburg Airport

Berlin Brandenburg Airport starts operating on 3 June 2012. The new airport will be Berlin’s new gateway to the world. It is a next-generation hub airport with a strong focus on European traffic as a feeder for long-haul connections. Following the start of construction work in September 2006, we officially…


Prevention of Runway Incursions at Joint Use Aerodromes

16 July 2009 | By Goran Redzepovic, Eurocontrol Military Expert

Runway Safety is a vital component of aviation safety as a whole. The predicted growth in air traffic implies that the actual numbers of incidents may rise, unless held in check by preventive actions such as those recommended in the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI).…


A holistic approach to aerodrome certification

6 February 2007 | By George Saounatsos, Associate Project Director, ADPi

Safety, regularity and efficiency of aircraft operations at aerodromes are of paramount importance, thus generating the need for the existence of a formal system to verify and validate that the airport operator can safely accommodate the foreseen aeronautical activity.