Blighter Surveillance Systems

Iceni House
London Road
Great Chesterford
Saffron Walden
CB10 1NY
United Kingdom

+44 1223 491122


Blighter Surveillance Systems Ltd is a UK-based electronic-scanning radar and sensor solution provider delivering an integrated multi-sensor package to systems integrators comprising the Blighter electronic-scanning radars, cameras, thermal imagers, trackers and software solutions.

The Blighter family of radar products can be used to detect a wide variety of moving objects including: crawling and walking persons, land vehicles, boats and low flying aircraft (including UAVs). The radars use a microwave radio signal to scan areas of land or water which can extend up to 32 km in range and up to a full 360° in azimuth. The family of Blighter products and configurations allow cost effective solutions to be selected for a variety of market areas including defence, national border security, critical infrastructure protection and coastal security. The Blighter radar family includes medium-range battery-powered portable systems for rapid deployment, medium-range mast mounted mobile systems and long-range fixed installation and mobile systems.
