Smart Flows

Paris, France



Smart Flows is a French software editor that supports airport business leaders who are unaware of how passengers use their facilities in understanding the PAX behaviours in order to improve operations efficiency, increase retail revenues and raise customers satisfaction.

Smart Flows has been providing a 360° view on passenger flows for the past 10 years. Smart Flows counts among its clients Paris Airport, Geneva Airport, Montreal Airport, Hong Kong International Airport, Munich Airport, Riyadh Airport, Gares & Connexions (the French Railway operator), Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield…

In less than a decade, Smart Flows excellence & expertise made it evolve from a technology leader to a worldwide game-changer covering 1.5 billion visitors per year in 350+ sites in more than 18 countries.

Smart Flows owns a 3 times patented SaaS solution that benefits from frequent releases to improve its efficiency.

Smart Flows offer portfolio consists of 2 main building blocks: Smart Flows WebApp (Ready-to-use Web platform & data available through APIs) & Smart Flows Consulting (Supporting team to increase the success of the project).

For example in airport environments, Smart Flows transforms location data (Wi-Fi logs, Beacons), airport data (AODB, RTODB, CICA, PBS), sales data, CRM data among others into customer flow data. Smart Flows provides historical data and current estimates to clients.


