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Community app: The cure for airport campus fragmentation

8 May 2018 | By

Although it looks like a single entity from the outside, airports are mini cities hosting a collection of independent organisations including airlines, ground handlers, retailers, restaurants, police, immigration agencies and hotels. Getting the right information to the right person at the right time is crucial for the airport ecosystem to…

The airport of tomorrow

1 May 2018 | By

Already one of Europe’s most important international hubs, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has embarked on a renewal and renovation project which, when complete, will enable an additional 14 million passengers to travel through the airport. Bernardo Gogna, Director of the Capital Programme at Royal Schiphol Group, reveals the plans.

Mitigating wildlife hazards

1 May 2018 | By

The world’s increasingly busy airports face a growing threat of birdstrikes and wildlife hazards, partly due to expanding urban environments and bird populations, but also due to the global growth of airport traffic. Lee Pannett, Director at the Scarecrow Group, reveals how bio-acoustic technology can successfully mitigate the issue.

Interview Spotlight: Suhail Kamil Kadri, Vice President of Information Technology, Hamad International (HIA)

30 April 2018 | By

Hamad International (HIA) has recently embarked on a number of projects to improve the airport’s communication structure, ease the passenger flow and to ensure the notion of seamless travel deployed. In an exclusive interview for International Airport Review, Suhail Kamil Kadri, Vice President of Information Technology, reveals the airport’s journey…

Product Showcase: Trends in ground traffic management technology

30 April 2018 | By

With forecasts predicting that passenger traffic will increase at a rate of 5% each year, airports are increasingly looking to cost-effective solutions that can help manage ground traffic movement. In an exclusive Q&A, Raghu Seelamonthula, Director of Products and Solutions for Airport Systems at Honeywell Airports Business, reveals Honeywell’s ground…

Promoting learning and change

30 April 2018 | By

Mats Berglind, Interim Head of Innovation and Digital Innovation Manager at Swedavia, reveals how a swift proof of concept process can help airports to promote positive change and ultimately become more efficient.

Baggage Handling In-Depth Focus 2018

26 April 2018 | By

With global air traffic continuing to rise and airport capacity already at a premium, it’s imperative for the airport industry to utilise technology to help make operations more effectual. The baggage handling sector has seen a huge increase in automation and the result is a more efficient service that can…

Seamless Travel In-Depth Focus 2018

25 April 2018 | By

Today’s passengers expect more from their journey; demanding a hassle-free and pleasant experience throughout. To keep up with today’s tech-savvy customers, it’s important for airports to utilise technology and streamline their operations to ensure the vision of seamless travel continues to become a reality.