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Preparing JFK’s T4 for the new normal of air travel

26 July 2021 | By

Roel Huinink, President and CEO of JFKIAT, speaks to International Airport Review about how the airport has integrated camera-enabled technology into their airport operations, which provides real-time alerts on social distancing and indicates where resources and staff are best deployed.

Smart, seamless, stress-free

22 July 2021 | By

With the new airport set to begin operations in 2026, Tom McCormack, Chief Technology Officer at Western Sydney Airport, describes how the airport is being designed with the future of seamless travel in mind.

How private aviation has become the new normal

21 July 2021 | By

David Gitman, President of Monarch Air Group, examines how the executive air industry has evolved during the pandemic to the point where it is the first option for passengers who are seeking full control of their travel experience.

Great change is happening in the Arctic of Norway

19 July 2021 | By

Erik Lødding, Vice President of Strategy, Communications and Public Affairs at Avinor Air Navigation Services, speaks to International Airport Review about the operator’s position at the centre of the world’s largest remote towers programme.

Confronting the risk of an uneven global recovery

12 July 2021 | By

For International Airport Review, Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General of Airports Council International (ACI) World, discusses how there is no one-size-fits-all solution approach to recovery and that it will require heightened levels of collaboration and partnership among industry stakeholders in order to ensure success.