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Airports’ cyber-security post‑COVID: Do we feel any symptoms?

17 March 2023 | By

Roni Tidhar, Head of Cyber Security at Israel Airports Authority, considers how the during‑and post-pandemic demand for contactless technologies, fed by digital solutions, has driven opportunity for cyber-attacks, and argues that airports should be investing robustly now, more than ever, in their cyber-defences to firmly secure their operational technologies.

Airport IoT cyber-security: security validation

15 March 2023 | By

Arul Gopi, Senior Manager – IT Network & Security at Bangalore International Airport, discusses the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the steps airports must take to secure their airport IT infrastructure.

Lithuania: The undiscovered destination

13 March 2023 | By ,

At Routes Europe 2022, International Airport Review’s Editorial Assistant, Lily Mae Pacey caught up with Tomas Zitikis, Interim Head of Aviation Services and Route Development Executive and Aurimas Stikliūnas, Interim CEO and Head of Aviation Services at Lithuanian Airports to discuss how the pandemic opened exciting possibilities for the network…