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Fire training for a safer airport

16 September 2005 | By Tim Oakes, Divisional Officer, International Fire Training Centre

The best training for your airport’s Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (RFFS) will not necessarily focus solely on technical ability, writes Tim Oakes.

The secrets to faster boarding

16 September 2005 | By Kai Nagel, Professor of Transport Systems Planning and transport telematics, Technical University of Berlin and Pieric Ferrari, ETH Zurich

The latest research into the way passengers behave when boarding aircraft reveals some surprising results, and prompts reflection on present boarding practices.

Preparing for new large aircraft

16 September 2005 | By Satish Agrawal, Ph.D., Airport Technology R&D manager, FAA

The next generation of aircraft creates new pressures for an airport’s pavements, consequentially engineers at the FAA’s Research and Development centre are continuing to develop systems to predict and assess requirements.

LED potential on the airfield

16 September 2005 | By Ben Sampson

The growing acceptance of LED technology for use in different airports globally is testament to the technology’s potential in this area.

How to avoid bad weather delays

16 September 2005 | By Doug Johnson, Aviation Programme Manager, Met Office

In this article Doug Johnson describes how aviation users can utilise improved meteorological information to move beyond minimum safety requirements and towards increased business benefits.

Facilitating increased globalisation

16 September 2005 | By Dora Kay, Immediate Past Chairman, The International Air Cargo Association

TIACA uses its partnerships with Government and trade organisations to progress the cause of air cargo and global economic development.

Full speed ahead on e-tickets

16 September 2005 | By Bryan Wilson, Project Director – Electronic Ticketing, IATA

IATA’s e-ticketing initiative has covered substantial ground since its inception, but as Bryan Wilson, there are still obstacles to overcome.

The privatisation path in Hungary

16 September 2005 | By Sarah Hunter, Head of Investor Relations at BAA

The UK became the first country to privatise its airports almost 20 years ago, a trend subsequently copied around the world to help fuel infrastructure investment.

Cooperating on ATM research

16 September 2005 | By Hans Offerman, Chairman EATRADA European Air Traffic Management Research and Development Association

The most effective way of researching new technologies needed to enhance capacity is to work together writes Hans Offerman, chairman of a new European association with cooperative aims.

Congestion and slot allocation

16 September 2005 | By Claus Ulrich, Chairman of the Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group (WWACG)

Co-ordinating and allocating flights may traditionally be a back-room activity, but current capacity constraints mean that it is rapidly coming to the fore.

A decade’s worth of perspective

16 June 2005 | By Anthony T. (Buzz) Cerino, U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, TSA, Office of Security Technology - Transportation Security Laboratory, Communications Technology Lead

Use of Radio Frequency Identification technology in the aviation industry has been a long time coming, but, writes Anthony Cerino, the wait is over with - probably.

A European approach to security

16 June 2005 | By Robert Missen, Deputy Head of Unit Aviation and Maritime Security, European Commission (EC)

Several steps were taken by the EC in order to safeguard airports post 9/11, including an approach to security inspections different from existing ICAO checks.

A new airport for Berlin and Brandenburg

10 June 2005 | By Thomas Weyer, Managing Director Engineering / BBI

Berlin’s Schönefeld Airport has been host of the ILA since 1992 and is currently Germany’s boom airport. As of 2006 it is being expanded to become the new capital city airport - Berlin Brandenburg International (BBI).

Handling the A380

10 June 2005 | By Dr. Thilo Stilp, Manager Ground Operations & Environment, Airbus, A380 Program

Although in the past airlines have been more involved in the design an active dialogue with ground handlers and suppliers has ensured an easier entry into services, writes Dr. Thilo Stilp.

Operations and fuel conference report

10 June 2005 | By John Armbrust, President, Armbrust Aviation Group (AAG)

Highlights of the agenda at the most recent International Airport Operations/Jet Fuel Conference at Orlando, Florida included talks on fuel delivery infrastructure problems, ramp safety and Common Use Ramp Equipment.