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The Takeoff Hold Light

7 June 2007 | By Jim Patterson, Jr. Airport Safety Specialist, FAA

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing a system called the Runway Status Light (RSL) System that is designed to automatically warn pilots of the ‘status’ of the runway on which they are about to land, depart, or cross. The system accomplishes this task by illuminating a series of red,…

Mitigating aviation’s impact on the environment

7 June 2007 | By Victor Aguado, Director General, Eurocontrol

Aviation faces a truly major challenge: growth. In the past 50 years, it has grown by a factor of 20 and annual growth of around 3-7% is expected in the next 20 years - which means that 1995 traffic will have doubled by 2020. The question is: how can this…

KL International Airport

7 June 2007 | By Dato’ Seri Bashir Ahmad, MD & CEO, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad

KL International Airport (KLIA), the international gateway to Malaysia is located in Sepang, 50 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur. Built on 10,000 hectares of land; it was officially launched on June 27th, 1998. This environmentally friendly airport, the first in the Asia Pacific region, was completed in four and a half…

Canada’s Restricted Area Identification Card Program

7 June 2007 | By Rob Durward, Director, Technical Programs. Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)

On April 11, 2002, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) was created as a Crown Corporation to assume a more direct role in Canada's aviation security. One aspect of this new security role was to develop a secure biometric enrolment and identity verification program to prevent unauthorised individuals from…

Setting the standard

7 June 2007 | By Marcello Pagnozzi, ETSI Technical Officer for TETRA

ETSI is an independent, non-profit organisation whose mission is to produce telecommunications standards for today and the future. This article looks at ETSI’s work and interviews Marcello Pagnozzi, ETSI Technical Officer for TETRA, to find out more about ETSI’s work in developing TETRA standards.

Hong Kong International Airport continues to grow

7 June 2007 | By

Determined to maintain its position as the world's premier hub for international aviation, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is committed to providing safe, secure, efficient and reliable service to all of its customers.

Runway Friction Measurement Activities in the US

7 June 2007 | By Thomas J Yager, Senoir Research Engineer, NASA

During the past year, several new runway friction measurement activities have been initiated and progress has been made to improve measurement equipment, techniques and recommended procedures. The purpose of this article is to acquaint you, the reader, with recent developments including...

Latin America’s aviation landscape

3 April 2007 | By Alxandre de Guten, Executive Director, ALTA (the Latin American Air Transport Association)

Despite overcoming and continuing to face numerous challenges, there are many opportunities on the horizon of the Latin America and Caribbean aviation landscape. From facilitating the development, safety and security of air transportation throughout the region, to ensuring better communication and collaboration among its members, their customers and the industry…

Prepared for the worst

3 April 2007 | By Mogens Kornbo, Vice President & COO, Real Estate and Operations, Copenhagen Airports A/S

Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is located on the borderline between cold Scandinavia and the more temperate northern European continent. This means that there are frequent and rapid changes from mild winter days to fierce blizzards. These changing weather conditions make great demands on the winter preparedness at the largest airport in…

New FAA pavement design software

3 April 2007 | By Dr. David R. Brill, Program Manager, Airport Pavement Technology and William J. Hughes, Technical Center, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

After a 10-year research and development effort, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is set to debut a new software package for airport pavement thickness design. The new program is called FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design, but is known by its acronym, FAArfield. In addition to putting the…

A safe journey for disabled air passengers

3 April 2007 | By Yannis Vardakastanis, President of the European Disability Forum

There are more than 50 million disabled people in the European Union: men and women, young and old, married, single, with or without children, active or unemployed. Despite the fact that disabled people, representing 10 per cent of the population, can hardly be considered as a minority, they remain fairly…

Right to flight

3 April 2007 | By Anne Houtman, Director "General Affairs", Directorate-General Energy and Transport, European Commission

EU guarantees the rights of disabled people and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air. The Single Aviation Market has brought Europeans important benefits, including a wider choice of destinations and carriers, as well as lower fares. It has opened air transport to a majority of citizens. Air travel…

A strategic approach to planning baggage systems

3 April 2007 | By Dave Tomber, Planning Program Manager, Seattle-Tacoma International

Baggage systems play a critically important part in airport operations. The visibility of baggage systems to executive management has only heightened with the implementation of federally mandated inline screening systems. Yet, baggage systems remain a headache for airports, airlines, and the Transportation Security Administration. More puzzling is the unfortunate reality…

Runway bottleneck optimising the optimum

3 April 2007 | By Dieter Kaden, Chairman and Chief Executive Office and Ralph Riedle, Director Operations, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Delays in air traffic have a great variety of causes that are often aggravated by knock-on effects due to the individual process structure of a flight. Furthermore, it is the weakest link in the aviation chain that determines the success of the overall system. This is most evident in the…