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Phoenix: Preparing for the future, while exceeding expectations today

7 February 2009 | By Danny Murphy, Aviation Director, City of Phoenix

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is the gateway to the southwestern United States, serving 40 million passengers a year. As the first and last impression for visitors to the Grand Canyon State and elsewhere, Sky Harbor strives to provide customer service exceeding expectations. Perhaps that is why we are known…

Challenge and opportunity for airport authority

7 February 2009 | By Randall L. Tobias, President, Indianapolis Airport Authority Board

The new Indianapolis International Airport (IND) opened for business on November 12, 2008. With a new multi-lane interstate entrance it includes a tripled-in-size parking garage and spacious parking lots, together totalling nearly 18,000 spaces. Adjacent to the new Ground Transportation Centre, passengers can easily reach eight rental car facilities capable…

Runway Friction Measurement Status

7 February 2009 | By Thomas J. Yager, Distinguished Research Associate, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia USA

With today's technology, the measurement of ‘friction' can be readily and accurately determined whether it be in a vehicle engine, wheel bearing, or of more immediate attention, the interface between a moving vehicle tire and the travelled pavement surface. In regards to ground vehicle and aircraft operations, the problem is…

Deicing at Denver International Airport

7 February 2009 | By Keith D. Pass, Environmental Programme Administrator, Denver International Airport

As the newest major international hub airport in the United States, Denver International Airport (DEN) has benefitted from its planners' foresight in acquiring enough land (53 square miles) to allow ample room for future growth. When developing both the airport's design and layout, DEN's planners also made sure to incorporate…

Munich Airport’s environmental strategy

3 December 2008 | By Matthias Linde, Project Manager for Sustainability at Munich Airport

Ecological sustainability has traditionally been a key element in Munich Airport’s environmental strategy and policy, and will become increasingly important in the future as the airport continues to pursue initiatives, not only in the form of innovative environmental projects.

An interview with Paul Behan, Programme Manager, Fast Travel programmes, IATA

3 December 2008 | By Paul Behan, Programme Manager, Fast Travel programmes, IATA

Following the success of electronic ticketing, the IATA Board of Governors has asked IATA to look at other elements of the passenger journey, in order to offer a self service option for passengers to choose. IATA went out to passengers through their Corporate Air Travel Survey (CATS) and independently surveyed…

When train and plane go hand in hand

3 December 2008 | By Giuseppe Rizzo, Reference Officer for passenger air/rail intermodality, DGTREN

Changing transport mode during a trip can be a stressful experience due to the change of interface and the need for the passenger to ‘take action’. Where should I head? What if I miss my connection? How do I get there? What about my luggage? But changing mode of transport…

EUROCONTROL’s Challenges of Growth 2008 Report

3 December 2008 | By David McMillan, Director General EUROCONTROL

EUROCONTROL publishes a series of studies aimed at providing decision makers with up-to-date assessments of the challenges presented by the increasing demand for air transport. The latest, ‘Challenges of Growth 2008’1, is the third in the series and looks at those long-term challenges needing long-term solutions.

The importance of good communications

3 December 2008 | By Gill Galway, Policy and Strategy Specialist, UK CAA

Even at the world’s smaller airports, the airside environment can be a challenging place to work. For an airside driver the task of completing your duties safely, complying with safety instructions and restrictions, and maintaining a watchful eye on aircraft and other vehicles on the manoeuvring area can be particularly…

Bar Coded Boarding Passes (BCBP)

3 December 2008 | By Eric Léopold, Project Manager, Bar Coded Boarding Passes

An interview with Mr. Eric Léopold, Project Manager, Bar Coded Boarding Passes (BCBP).

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol: leader in innovation for over 40 years

3 December 2008 | By Ad Rutten, Executive Vice President & Chief Operations Officer, Schiphol Group

On 28 April 1967, the then reigning Queen Juliana of the Netherlands opened the new Amsterdam Airport Schiphol: Schiphol-Centre. With its tangential runway system comprising four runways for take-offs and landings, its ‘one terminal’ concept with (at that time) three piers – each one complete with passenger bridges – its…

The New Hamburg Airport

3 December 2008 | By Michael Eggenschwiler, CEO, Flughafen Hamburg GmbH

‘Boomtown Hamburg’ – the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is continuing to develop into one of Europe’s top city destinations. Tourism in the Greater Hamburg region is experiencing significantly more dynamic growth than in other major cities, such as Berlin and Munich. Hamburg’s hotels reported 7.4 million overnight stays…

Sofia Airport – one of the most dynamically developing airports in Europe

3 December 2008 | By Plamen Stanchev Dimitrov, Executive Director, Sofia Airport

Sofia Airport falls among the small airports according to the ACI classification, and yet it is the biggest in Bulgaria and one of the most dynamically developing airports in the region. For the last four years the passenger flow has doubled, while this year, for the first time in its…

The ACCA Fire/Rescue Department

30 September 2008 | By Timothy P. Holmes, Deputy Fire Chief, Allegheny County Airport Authority Fire / Rescue

Pittsburgh International Airport’s 10,000 acre facility is protected by the Allegheny County Airport Authority Fire / Rescue Department, which currently operates with 50 personnel, one administrative assistant and 19 pieces of apparatus. The airport facility includes approximately 200 structures, two military installations and approximately 10 miles of a four lane…