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Dubai Airports looks to a bright future

16 July 2009 | By His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President, Dubai Civil Aviation Authority; Chairman, Dubai Airports, Chairman and Chief Executive, Emirates Airline & Group

As we reflect on an amazing 2008, it is clear that the next few years will mark a historic and exciting period for Dubai, Dubai Airports and the aviation industry. The Emirate's economy remains on a fast track, despite the global economic turbulence that has battered advanced economies and emerging…

The birdstrike risk

16 July 2009 | By Ray Elgy, Head of Aerodrome Standards, UK CAA

From the beginning of aviation history, aircraft have faced the hazard posed by birdstrikes. The first known birdstrike occurred in 19051, from the Wright Brothers diaries, "Orville ... flew 4,751 metres in 4 minutes 45 seconds, four complete circles. Twice passed over fence into Beard's cornfield. Chased flock of birds…

Prevention of Runway Incursions at Joint Use Aerodromes

16 July 2009 | By Goran Redzepovic, Eurocontrol Military Expert

Runway Safety is a vital component of aviation safety as a whole. The predicted growth in air traffic implies that the actual numbers of incidents may rise, unless held in check by preventive actions such as those recommended in the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI).…

ICAO – Regulators – Friction issues

16 July 2009 | By Armann Norheim, Advisor for Avinor & Leader, ICAO Friction Task Force

Reporting the conditions of the critical tyre/surface in a way relevant to aircraft performance has been a long sought goal. There have been a lot of challenges for the aviation industry since the first reporting systems emerged and the regulating bodies have their role to play in achieving the goal…

Engineering Sciences Data Unit (ESDU)

26 May 2009 | By Mr Ken Balkwill, Consultant to Engineering Sciences Data Unit, London, United Kingdom

The role of the Engineering Sciences Data Unit (ESDU) in Modelling Performance of Aircraft Tyres on Contaminated Paved Surfaces.

Aircraft Recovery – Exciting Times: Trends, Innovations & Developments

26 May 2009 | By John A. Olsen, Senior Program Manager for International Activities, Fraport AG Fire Training Center

It's an exciting time in the world of aircraft recovery and it is worth sharing this excitement, some of the trends, innovations and new developments with the aviation community. Most airlines and airports would prefer that aircraft recovery not be a part of their normal business, because, when we talk…

A visibly strong force at the UK border: UK Border Agency – a year of achievement and strategic objectives

26 May 2009 | By Lin Homer, Chief Executive of the UK Border Agency and Brodie Clark, Head of the Border Force for the UK Border Agency

Immigration has been high on the political and media agenda for the last fifteen years. The government is committed to modernising and strengthening UK Border controls. On 1 April 2009 the UK Border Agency became a full executive agency of the Home Office. This follows a successful year as a…

KLIA: Enhancing the travel experience

26 May 2009 | By Dato' Seri Bashir Ahmad, MD & CEO, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad

World's Best Airport for three years running and Green Globe Certified for four consecutive years - As KLIA troops into its eleventh year of operations, the challenges we face are different, but so are the rewards. The key to a successful airport business is always evolving with the times and…

APAC Regions continue to grow

26 May 2009 | By Mokhtar Awan, Regional Director, ICAO Asia and Pacific Office, Bangkok

The current global financial crisis notwithstanding, worldwide annual growth in passenger and freight traffic has been quite impressive over the past 10 years, with a cumulative growth of around 46 percent. The Asia and Pacific Regions (APAC) were solid contributors to this impressive achievement and could well overtake the European…

“Going to the North Hub Riga”

26 May 2009 | By Richard Piper, Commissioning Editor

The aim of the conference was to discuss current global trends in the aviation industry, with a specific focus on the Baltic region. This would also include discussions and presentations looking at the development of RIX, on its way to becoming an important air traffic hub.

Toronto Pearson International Airport: Airfield Lighting Systems

26 May 2009 | By

This is an overview of the Airport Guidance Lighting Systems, installed and operating, at Toronto Pearson International Airport, located 25 kilometres from downtown Toronto, Ontario. The airport is Operated by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA), under a lease agreement with the Government of Canada. The GTAA has upgraded and…

Reflections on CNI 2009: Protecting Critical Infrastructure in a Changing World

26 May 2009 | By Richard Piper, Commissioning Editor

The world is going through a period of change more rapid and arguably more profound than at any time in its modern history. The degree and speed of change is having profound impacts on the critical infrastructures on which States rely. Climate change will entail huge upheavals in the longer…

BAA Developing a Coherent Approach to Fire Safety Design

26 May 2009 | By John Boyce MSc(Eng) MSc (Struct E) BSc(Hons) CEng MIFireE MBEng MRICS, Head of Fire Safety Heathrow Airport and Gary Moorshead, Chief Fire Officer BAA

This is the first in a series of articles which describes some of the fundamental initiatives BAA have developed to ensure fire safety design is an integral part of the design process resulting in fire strategies that meets our operational and business requirements across our airports.

En route air traffic optimisation to reduce environmental impact

26 May 2009 | By Adan E. Vela, Senay Solak, John-Paul B. Clarke, William E. Singhose

Air traffic delays due to congestion in the National Airspace System (NAS) are a source of unnecessary cost to airlines, passengers, and air transportation dependent businesses. Congestion is estimated to cost the aviation industry, passengers, and shippers approximately $10 billion per year. This cost can be further segregated into a…

Aviation and Alternative Fuels

26 May 2009 | By ICAO Secretariat

In the autumn of 2009, ICAO will hold a world conference on the subject of aviation and alternative fuels. The main objective will be to develop an internationally-agreed roadmap for facilitating the use of aviation alternative fuels. This article provides a snapshot of progress to date as well as main…